Do creative professionals need trademark protection?
For any creative business, the answer is most frequently...
YES. Swipe to find out how #trademarks could apply to you.
If you are a musician... Your artist/band name is a trademark and should be protected.
If you are an influencer... who uses a pseudonym, that name is a trademark and should be protected.
If you are a visual artist, photographer, videographer, author or publisher... and you operate under a business or trade name, that name is a trademark and should be protected.
If you are a creative business owner... every business has a trademark and that trademark should be protected.
If you are selling products or services under a brand name, your brand name is a trademark and should be protected.
Bonus tip: Did you know? If someone else is using your trademark, you’re required to defend it.
P.S. Make sure to give us a follow 👀 because we're sharing the ultimate checklist on trademarks for creatives soon! 😎✨