
Intellectual Property in Colorado Deserves Protection

Have you ever had a great idea?  Perhaps you dreamed up a great new brand or you came up with the plot for the next world-famous novel.  These ideas are called intellectual property.  It may seem strange to consider an intangible idea as “property”, but there is a good reason for that – property can be stolen, and so can your ideas. Creative Law Network knows a good idea when we see one. Intellectual property law in Colorado is one of our passions.  If you have ideas, we can help you protect them and help you turn your dreams into reality.

Who can have intellectual property?

Anyone and everyone can have intellectual property.  Anyone with an idea that can turn into a profitable venture has intellectual property.  Intellectual property law in Colorado is designed to protect those ideas, whether you are a seasoned professional, a school-aged genius, a restaurateur, a playwright, a lawyer, a dentist – intellectual property law protects everyone.

But why do I need to protect my intellectual property?

Why do you need to protect your physical property?  The loss of anything valuable to you is painful and your great ideas are no different.  Where would J.K. Rowling is if someone swiped her idea of a boy wizard that fought evil while growing up in a boarding school among magical friends? Nikola Tesla is a different example.  Tesla’s work was stolen, by none other than Thomas Edison.

The Tesla/Edison feud is noteworthy and a favorite subject of historians and writers.  It is also a cautionary tale that very neatly proves our point.   Edison has allegedly taken credit for the hard work of many scientists that worked under him and Tesla was no exception.  For many years, it was Edison whose name was lauded while the significant contributions of Tesla were slow to come to light.  Tesla died poor and in debt despite his many great ideas.  He may not have been the best with his money and he did obtain patents, but his story could have been different if Edison had credited – and paid for – the innovative work Tesla did on his behalf.  Intellectual property in Colorado needs to be protected.  If we were around in the days of Tesla, you can bet we would have offered to keep his ideas safe and sound!

How can Creative Law Network protect my world-changing ideas?

We use the intellectual property law in Colorado to protect your ideas, copyrights, trademarks and trade secrets by registering them with the appropriate agencies.  These agencies include the U.S. Copyright Office, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and international trademark registration offices worldwide.  Once your intellectual property is registered, we can pursue legal action if someone tries to use or take your ideas.

How can I learn more?

For a free, private, personal consolation about intellectual property law in Colorado, call 720-924-6529.  You can also visit our website where you will see that we are more than Colorado intellectual property law advocates – we strive to protect the rights and assist with the legal issues of all creative people and organizations in Colorado.

Everyone has something to contribute and your idea may be a game-changer.  The consultation is free, so why not pick up the phone and protect your intellectual property today?

Dave RatnerComment