
Art Project to Make Denver a 'Happy City'

A comforting hand can be just the support you need when you're feeling down, but when an entire city is feeling down, why should the remedy be any different? That's the question that British artist Stuart Semple asks with Happy City: Art for the People.

The artistic "intervention" is a city-wide project with the goal of uplifting spirits and comforting against the stresses and detractors in every-day life. Semple, known for his odd projects, such as creating a huge bounce cloud in Australia and shooting smiley face bubble-clouds ("Happy Clouds") through the sky, Semple's goal is to shake people out of the every day with silly installations that create real connections. 

Starting May 18 until late June and with the help of local and international artists, Denver will experience his creativity first-hand with: Jump (Bring Us Together) a block-sized dance party on an inflatable bed, Emotional Baggage Drop (hello stranger) an installation where strangers can confidentially open up to each other, a special release of Happy Clouds at Red Rocks during a live Colorado Symphony performance of Rachmaninov's Conerto No. 2, and many many more.

Be on the lookout for all the exciting installations within the next month! For more information click: here!

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